
Miyu Distribution
Luce Grosjean


+33 4 67 56 13 93

Office address : 18 rue des soldats, 34000 Montpellier – France

Administrative address : 16 rue de la Liberté, 13200 Arles – France

Discover our Youtube channel here

Miyu Distribution

is member of French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films, Collectif 50/50 and SudAnim.


Miyu Distribution
Luce Grosjean


+33 4 67 56 13 93

Office address : 18 rue des soldats, 34000 Montpellier – France

Administrative address : 16 rue de la Liberté, 13200 Arles – France

Miyu Distribution

is member of French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films, Collectif 50/50 and SudAnim.

Discover our Youtube channel here

Discover our Youtube channel here

Miyu Distribution

is member of French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films, Collectif 50/50 and SudAnim.

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In the heart of winter


  • Immerse yourself in the heart of winter with these few animated short films suitable for the whole family!
  • 55 minutes



Info and rental fees :


  1. Under the ice de M. Baulard, I. Berrahma, F. Dupont, L. Estampes, Q. Nory, H. Potin (2019)
  2. Home Sweet Home de P. Clenet, A. Diaz, R. Mazevet, S. Paccolat (2013)
  3. Ice Dream de J. Fournier (2018)
  4. Sledge de M. Dupré (2019)
  5. Neïla de A. Bellot, L. Desoutter, A. Fernandes, L. Lahaeye, L. Langou, D. Tabar, G. Vezzoli, E. Zhang (2015)
  6. Forglemmegei de K.  Lundquist (2019)
  7. Hors Piste de L. Brunel, L. Cavalier, C. Jalabert, O. Malet (2018)


  • Immerse yourself in the heart of winter with these few animated short films suitable for the whole family!
  • 55 minutes



Info and rental fees :


  1. Under the ice de M. Baulard, I. Berrahma, F. Dupont, L. Estampes, Q. Nory, H. Potin (2019)
  2. Home Sweet Home de P. Clenet, A. Diaz, R. Mazevet, S. Paccolat (2013)
  3. Ice Dream de J. Fournier (2018)
  4. Sledge de M. Dupré (2019)
  5. Neïla de A. Bellot, L. Desoutter, A. Fernandes, L. Lahaeye, L. Langou, D. Tabar, G. Vezzoli, E. Zhang (2015)
  6. Forglemmegei de K.  Lundquist (2019)
  7. Hors Piste de L. Brunel, L. Cavalier, C. Jalabert, O. Malet (2018)
  • Adults
  • Retrospectives
  • Kids