Miyu Productions

Miyu Productions is an audiovisual production company created in May 2009 by Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, specializing in animation. Miyu Productions produces short films, series and long features. Since 2015, Emmanuel-Alain Raynal leads the company in collaboration with Pierre Baussaron.

Send your projects to projects@miyu.fr


No open position at the moment.


Miyu Productions
4 rue d’Enghien
75010 Paris

01 43 44 53 76

Miyu Productions is a member of the French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films and the Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants.

Miyu Productions

Miyu Productions is an audiovisual production company created in May 2009 by Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, specializing in animation. Miyu Productions produces short films, series and long features. Since 2015, Emmanuel-Alain Raynal leads the company in collaboration with Pierre Baussaron.

Send your projects to projects@miyu.fr


Miyu Productions
4 rue d’Enghien
75010 Paris

01 43 44 53 76

Miyu Productions is a member of the French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films and the Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants.


No open position at the moment.


No open position at the moment.


Miyu Productions
4 rue d’Enghien
75010 Paris

01 43 44 53 76

Miyu Productions is a member of the French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films and the Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants.

Switch to French website



Documentary France 6 x 52 min

  • Narrated by Anna Mouglalis
  • Screenplay : Véronique Lagoarde-Ségot and Marc Ball
  • Montage : Madeleine Dutems; Chloé Gueur; Widy Marché
  • Music : Stéphane Lopez
  • Productions : Agat Films – David Coujard / co-production ARTE France
  • International sales : Lucky You


Poles, French, Germans, Japanese, Algerians, Americans: these are the heroes of this documentary story about a year that changed the face of the world. This film aims to capture the spirit of the times and to give a voice to direct witnesses. They obviously don’t have the perspective that we have. We remain at the level of men and women, at the heart of a war whose outcome they do not know. What is it then, to live in wartime?


Documentary France 6 x 52 min

  • Narrated by Anna Mouglalis
  • Screenplay : Véronique Lagoarde-Ségot and Marc Ball
  • Montage : Madeleine Dutems; Chloé Gueur; Widy Marché
  • Music : Stéphane Lopez
  • Productions : Agat Films – David Coujard / co-production ARTE France
  • International sales : Lucky You


Poles, French, Germans, Japanese, Algerians, Americans: these are the heroes of this documentary story about a year that changed the face of the world. This film aims to capture the spirit of the times and to give a voice to direct witnesses. They obviously don’t have the perspective that we have. We remain at the level of men and women, at the heart of a war whose outcome they do not know. What is it then, to live in wartime?

  • Series
  • TV specials