Nothing Happens
Drama in hand-drawn animation with paper and acrylic paint
- Written and directed by Michelle et Uri Kranot, 2017
- 12 minutes
- In coproduction with Dansk Tegnefilm (Danemark)
- Danish Film Institute – Aide au développement
- Danish Film Institute – Aide à la production
- CNC – Contribution financière
It’s freezing cold in the city suburbs. Yet some people are gathering. I watch them form a row across the horizon. We are all waiting for something to happen. But nothing does…
Selected in 87 festivals, including :
- Festival international du film d’animation d’Annecy, France
- 74th Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica de Venise, Italy
- Cinanima, Portugal
- Anima, Belgium
- CPH Dox, Denmark
- Festival International du Film de Genève, Switzerland
- Dok Leipzig, Germany
- Prix Festivals Connexion – Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Festival d’Annecy 2017
- Prix André Martin, Festival d’Annecy 2017
- Prix International, Anibar 2017
- Prix du meilleur réalisateur, Festival TOFUZI 2017
- Mention spéciale, Festival Banjaluka 2017
- Prix “Great Underestimated”, Etiuda&Anima 2017
- Prix Borge Ring Award, Odense International Film festival, 2017
- Prix Special Jury Award for Animation, Mediawave, 2018
- Main Anca Award, Fest Anca, 2018
Du même réalisateur
Drama in hand-drawn animation with paper and acrylic paint
- Written and directed by Michelle et Uri Kranot, 2017
- 12 minutes
- In coproduction with Dansk Tegnefilm (Danemark)
- Danish Film Institute – Aide au développement
- Danish Film Institute – Aide à la production
- CNC – Contribution financière
It’s freezing cold in the city suburbs. Yet some people are gathering. I watch them form a row across the horizon. We are all waiting for something to happen. But nothing does…
Selected in 87 festivals, including :
- Festival international du film d’animation d’Annecy, France
- 74th Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica de Venise, Italy
- Cinanima, Portugal
- Anima, Belgium
- CPH Dox, Denmark
- Festival International du Film de Genève, Switzerland
- Dok Leipzig, Germany
- Prix Festivals Connexion – Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Festival d’Annecy 2017
- Prix André Martin, Festival d’Annecy 2017
- Prix International, Anibar 2017
- Prix du meilleur réalisateur, Festival TOFUZI 2017
- Mention spéciale, Festival Banjaluka 2017
- Prix “Great Underestimated”, Etiuda&Anima 2017
- Prix Borge Ring Award, Odense International Film festival, 2017
- Prix Special Jury Award for Animation, Mediawave, 2018
- Main Anca Award, Fest Anca, 2018
Du même réalisateur