Miyu Productions

Miyu Productions is an audiovisual production company created in May 2009 by Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, specializing in animation. Miyu Productions produces short films, series and long features. Since 2015, Emmanuel-Alain Raynal leads the company in collaboration with Pierre Baussaron.

Send your projects to projects@miyu.fr


No open position at the moment.


Miyu Productions
4 rue d’Enghien
75010 Paris

01 43 44 53 76

Miyu Productions is a member of the French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films and the Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants.

Miyu Productions

Miyu Productions is an audiovisual production company created in May 2009 by Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, specializing in animation. Miyu Productions produces short films, series and long features. Since 2015, Emmanuel-Alain Raynal leads the company in collaboration with Pierre Baussaron.

Send your projects to projects@miyu.fr


Miyu Productions
4 rue d’Enghien
75010 Paris

01 43 44 53 76

Miyu Productions is a member of the French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films and the Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants.


No open position at the moment.


No open position at the moment.


Miyu Productions
4 rue d’Enghien
75010 Paris

01 43 44 53 76

Miyu Productions is a member of the French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films and the Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants.

Switch to French website

Mussels & Fries


Noée, a 9 years old girl, just joined her mother who started living on the island of Benac’h, in Britanny, where she works as a waitress. Soon Noée discovers that all the children on the island all know each other very well and live an easy life where money is no problem. They also love to sail. Noée would love to learn that too! But her mother doesn’t have enough money to pay for the classes…


Traditional 2D animation youth series

  • Director: Nicolas Hu
  • Script: Johanna Goldschmidt, Laure-Élisabeth Bourdaud
  • Graphic designer: Aude Picault


Diffusion : France Télévisions

  • Distribution : MIAM ! animation


Noée, a 9 years old girl, just joined her mother who started living on the island of Benac’h, in Britanny, where she works as a waitress. Soon Noée discovers that all the children on the island all know each other very well and live an easy life where money is no problem. They also love to sail. Noée would love to learn that too! But her mother doesn’t have enough money to pay for the classes…


Traditional 2D animation youth series

  • Director: Nicolas Hu
  • Script: Johanna Goldschmidt, Laure-Élisabeth Bourdaud
  • Graphic designer: Aude Picault


Diffusion : France Télévisions

  • Distribution : MIAM ! animation
TV Productions
  • In production
  • In development
  • Catalog