Miyu Productions

Miyu Productions is an audiovisual production company created in May 2009 by Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, specializing in animation. Miyu Productions produces short films, series and long features. Since 2015, Emmanuel-Alain Raynal leads the company in collaboration with Pierre Baussaron.

Send your projects to projects@miyu.fr


No open position at the moment.


Miyu Productions
4 rue d’Enghien
75010 Paris

01 43 44 53 76

Miyu Productions is a member of the French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films and the Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants.

Miyu Productions

Miyu Productions is an audiovisual production company created in May 2009 by Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, specializing in animation. Miyu Productions produces short films, series and long features. Since 2015, Emmanuel-Alain Raynal leads the company in collaboration with Pierre Baussaron.

Send your projects to projects@miyu.fr


Miyu Productions
4 rue d’Enghien
75010 Paris

01 43 44 53 76

Miyu Productions is a member of the French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films and the Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants.


No open position at the moment.


No open position at the moment.


Miyu Productions
4 rue d’Enghien
75010 Paris

01 43 44 53 76

Miyu Productions is a member of the French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films and the Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants.

Switch to French website

Mr Moon


Comedy in 2D digital animation 

  • Written and directed by Julien Sèze, 2014
  • 5 minutes


Selected in 31 festivals, including :

  1. Festival Court Métrange de Rennes 2015, France
  2. Festival Courts Devant de Paris 2014, France
  3. Off-Courts de Trouville, 2014, France
  4. Festival International du Film d’Animation de Melbourne 2014, Australie


Prix du meilleur film d’animation, Tripoli film Festival 2016, Liban


Mr Moon, a celestial offspring born of the fertilization of the Moon by a meteorite, feels lonely and does everything he can to reach Earth.


Aide à la post-production de la Région Île de France


  1. Achat TV5 Monde
  2. Shorts TV Europe
  3. Shorts TV USA

Du même réalisateur


Comedy in 2D digital animation 

  • Written and directed by Julien Sèze, 2014
  • 5 minutes


Selected in 31 festivals, including :

  1. Festival Court Métrange de Rennes 2015, France
  2. Festival Courts Devant de Paris 2014, France
  3. Off-Courts de Trouville, 2014, France
  4. Festival International du Film d’Animation de Melbourne 2014, Australie


Prix du meilleur film d’animation, Tripoli film Festival 2016, Liban


Mr Moon, a celestial offspring born of the fertilization of the Moon by a meteorite, feels lonely and does everything he can to reach Earth.


Aide à la post-production de la Région Île de France


  1. Achat TV5 Monde
  2. Shorts TV Europe
  3. Shorts TV USA

Du même réalisateur

Short Films
  • In production
  • In development
  • Catalog
  • Videoclips