- Directed by Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka
- Duration : 4 min
- Music : Odezenne
- Production : Universeul & Miyu Productions – CNC – Aide au vidéoclip
- Characters Design : Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka, Jonas Schloesing
- Background : Martin Bonin Animation : Jonas Schloesing, Quentin Marchand, Laurent Box
- Compositing : Jérémy Boulard Le Fur, Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka
In a cottage lost in the mountains, a strange couple: an old lady and an Android.
While the world collapses around them, the Android tells their story.
- Directed by Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka
- Duration : 4 min
- Music : Odezenne
- Production : Universeul & Miyu Productions – CNC – Aide au vidéoclip
- Characters Design : Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka, Jonas Schloesing
- Background : Martin Bonin Animation : Jonas Schloesing, Quentin Marchand, Laurent Box
- Compositing : Jérémy Boulard Le Fur, Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka
In a cottage lost in the mountains, a strange couple: an old lady and an Android.
While the world collapses around them, the Android tells their story.