Blue Fear
Comedy drama
- hand-drawn animation
- Written by Lola Halifa-Legrand
- Drawn by Marie Jacotey
- Directed by Marie Jacotey and Lola Halifa-Legrand
- 10 minutes
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Cinema – Bourse des festival
- Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – Aide à la production
- CICLIC, région Centre – Aide à la production
- Région Nouvelle Aquitaine – Aide à la production
- Préachat Canal +
A couple on the roads of Provence. Nils is driving Flora to his parents for the first time when they get ambushed. Whilst she’s made prisoner, he flees. During a night in the pinewood, she has to face her doubts.
Comedy drama
- hand-drawn animation
- Written by Lola Halifa-Legrand
- Drawn by Marie Jacotey
- Directed by Marie Jacotey and Lola Halifa-Legrand
- 10 minutes
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Cinema – Bourse des festival
- Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – Aide à la production
- CICLIC, région Centre – Aide à la production
- Région Nouvelle Aquitaine – Aide à la production
- Préachat Canal +
A couple on the roads of Provence. Nils is driving Flora to his parents for the first time when they get ambushed. Whilst she’s made prisoner, he flees. During a night in the pinewood, she has to face her doubts.