
Miyu Distribution
Luce Grosjean


+33 4 67 56 13 93

Office address : 18 rue des soldats, 34000 Montpellier – France

Administrative address : 16 rue de la Liberté, 13200 Arles – France

Discover our Youtube channel here

Miyu Distribution

is member of French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films, Collectif 50/50 and SudAnim.


Miyu Distribution
Luce Grosjean


+33 4 67 56 13 93

Office address : 18 rue des soldats, 34000 Montpellier – France

Administrative address : 16 rue de la Liberté, 13200 Arles – France

Miyu Distribution

is member of French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films, Collectif 50/50 and SudAnim.

Discover our Youtube channel here

Discover our Youtube channel here

Miyu Distribution

is member of French Animation Film Association (AFCA), UniFrance Films, Collectif 50/50 and SudAnim.

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  • 3D, 2D and drawing on paper animated short film
  • Written and directed by Dahee Jeong
  • 10 minutes



In the space of 10 minutes, the African baobab tree grows 0.008mm, the fastest dog in the world, the Greyhound, can run 12km, and the Earth travels 18,000km around the Sun. “Movements” is a 10-minute animated film which I drew at a rate of 2 seconds of animation per day. We are all walking, seeing, working, running, and stopping together.

Du même réalisateur


  • 3D, 2D and drawing on paper animated short film
  • Written and directed by Dahee Jeong
  • 10 minutes



In the space of 10 minutes, the African baobab tree grows 0.008mm, the fastest dog in the world, the Greyhound, can run 12km, and the Earth travels 18,000km around the Sun. “Movements” is a 10-minute animated film which I drew at a rate of 2 seconds of animation per day. We are all walking, seeing, working, running, and stopping together.

Du même réalisateur

Short films
  • New Films
  • Catalog
  • ENSI
  • Animation Workshop
  • Atelier de Sèvres
  • Music videos